Sunday, June 19, 2011

Joe & Joe & The Morgantown Creek

This weekend Joe and Joe came up from Delaware and Maryland to see what all this PAPPG (Pennsylvania Powered Paragliding) stuff was all about.  We (PAPPG) think we have a pretty good spot and are always happy to share the air with our friends and neighbors out of state. So much so, in fact, that seldom do we have a week of flying go by that we don't have several different states represented and you betcha that we consider them PAPPG'ers.  They're good folks and always welcome.
Both Joes have been flying for approx 10 years and it was obvious as soon as they got their gear out. It takes me about 30 minutes to get set up whilst it took them about 2, plus they launch with Tea & Crumpets in their hands and I don't think took more than 2 steps to get airborne.  One day I'll be able to match the number of my takeoff's to good landings. :-)  This video shows a bit of the creek that runs down Morgantown and some footage of J2 (Joe & Joe) flying with me.  Hope you enjoy it!


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